Working From Home? Top Tips to Keep Your Business Productive

As a small business owner, you may be used to a hands-on approach. You’re the first one in the office and the last to leave. While being careful not to micromanage, you’re always there when your staff need you, and they return the commitment. With the onset of COVID-19, the way we work has changed…

working from home

As a small business owner, you may be used to a hands-on approach. You’re the first one in the office and the last to leave. While being careful not to micromanage, you’re always there when your staff need you, and they return the commitment.

With the onset of COVID-19, the way we work has changed dramatically. Almost all of us have been confined to working from home and away from our usual colleagues. 

If you’re an employee, you might be worried about your job security during this difficult time. It’s more important than ever to give everything you can. It’s essential you stay focussed and motivated to maximise your output and efficiency.

“Now’s the perfect time to learn how to make remote working a success for your company”

With everyone operating in isolation, how do you keep a pulse on your business? 

How do you continue to get the most out of your employees? 

How can you turn this situation into an opportunity?

Remote working can be a useful tool for any business in the digital age. Now’s the perfect time to learn how to make it work for you and your company. Here are our top tips to keep your business productive over the next few months.


Tip #1 – Set Hours and Keep a Daily Routine

As a business owner, it may not be natural to set strict working hours – you’re always ‘on’. You may naturally associate your usual office as your ‘work environment’, which may not correspond to the same productivity in your home office. The kids are home and want to spend time with their parents. Your family needs to understand you’re still at work. Set some strict ‘work-only’ hours. 

Keep your usual working routine where possible. Check your emails every morning and keep regular team meetings. It’s not practical to check in with your staff all day, so trust them to work appropriate to their situation. Consider implementing end-of-day team check-ins to maintain a regular management routine and oversight without being too overbearing.


Tip #2 – Take Meaningful Breaks. Embrace Your Family Time

We all need breaks from work throughout the day. So make them meaningful. It’s easy to get distracted at home, whether that be the TV, internet or other home chores leading to procrastination.

Go walk the dog at lunch. Have a sit-down lunch with the rest of the family

By setting clear break times with a purpose, you’re more likely to stay on task and appreciate the times when you’re not. Go walk the dog at lunch. Have a sit-down lunch with the rest of the family. You can’t do these things at the office. Use it as an opportunity to connect with and embrace your loved ones. If you’re alone, try calling a friend or a colleague, keep your social connections charged!


Tip #3 – Make Use of Technology

If you’re not already using productivity software, now’s the time to start implementing. Here are three fantastic tools to digitise your business and keep the work flowing:

  • Video Conferencing: Zoom

You’ve probably heard of Zoom. Its use has blown up over the last few months, and it’s easy to see why. Zoom is a video conferencing platform designed to make remote meetings easy. You can join meetings from any device, making it simple to facilitate team meetings no matter where your staff are working. Think about using Zoom in creative ways, such as hosting an online webinar to offer value to your customers during a time that you can’t be a face for them in person.

Forget the post-it notes on the wall. Trello is an interactive project management platform used to collaborate and manage the flow of work in your organisation. It’s easy to set up and keeps everyone in the loop.

  • Team Communication: Slack 

Slack is the modern, agile solution to email. It’s a chat-based collaboration software where teams are broken down into chat ‘channels’ that members can join. You’re able to send files and integrate tools such as Google Drive, Calendar and Trello.


Tip #4 – Construct Your Work Environment for Success

Create a work environment that makes it easy for you to work effectively. Your workstation should be well lit, quiet, and be equipped for comfort. Consider investing in a better chair, or even a standing desk, if you feel your posture is letting you down. If you’re a business owner, support your staff, if they need another monitor to work effectively at home, it may be worth every dollar you spend on it.

Keep the Show on the Road

Ensuring staff remain engaged and feel empowered to work their way is essential to maintaining company morale.

Consider some fun examples to keep spirits high. Try enjoying your end-of-week drinks over Zoom. Maybe have a go at ‘Filter Fridays’, like this company director accidentally found out.

Learn from the process. Your business may run better working remotely. What positives can you take away from this experience and apply to your organisation moving forward?

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